Brave adventures via miniatures

Brave adventures via miniatures

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Orcs for Mordor!

Here we go, I've completed the next batch of orcs destined to do battle with the forces of Minas Tirith! I've got some work to do until they're completely finished, namely cleaning up the base and adding some burnt scrub to the base. I don't have the right type of flocking for the base so I'll hold off until I order some or head by the hobby store.

Here's a look at all six of the orcs. I wanted a stylized "eye" for the shields and didn't want to go with red. I'm trying to capture a look of very muted colors, brown, drab, etc to match my idea of Mordor. Red will be added to any Moranon orcs I paint up as I want them to stand out more.

Four orcs I've just finished. I tried to get a bronze-type armor affect for the guy on the right. It's okay, but looks a little muted.

Well there you have it! Now, I only need to paint about... 100 more? I'm going to keep working with the same few basic colors in an attempt to crank these out. I've got 18 more ready for painting.

I have a handful of the original metal orcs that were released when the game came out. I'll get them set for primering and add them to the horde. I also have another box or two of plastic orcs. I plan on doing some very basic conversions on the plastics to at least add some flavor to the horde. Thanks for checking in, more later this week!

1 comment:

  1. Those Orcs look great and there is noticeable progress from your first Barbarian to these guys. Keep it up!

    Some unsolicited advice based on a quick scan through of your blog:

    Keep the goals small (as in a handful of figures at a time). That way you wont get burned out before you fully get back into the swing of figure painting regularly again.

    Vary your projects a little if you can, based on whatever takes your fancy based on whatever movies or books or other inspirations that you have had.

    Dont worry about finishing anything like an army just yet: keep the focus on getting small numbers painted for the sheer satisfaction of it and worry about full armies and things once you have fully got back into the swing of it.

    There is nothing like a well intentioned but over-ambitious project to make sitting at the painting table a chore rather than a pleasure.

    Time may always be at a premium but the main priority has to be enjoying the process IMO.

    "Because knowing is half the battle" and all of that Public Service Announcement type jazz :)
